Benelux | En
In VASS, we want to promote the management of good corporate governance and integrate the culture of criminal prevention into the daily dynamics of the group to create a climate of trust and provide it with greater transparency.
That is why we have implemented a Speak Up Channel in the VASS
As an effective mechanism, so that, through the collaboration of all, irregularities can be detected that could put the reputation and image of the Group at risk.
When should be use this channel?
You can inform us or consult your concerns about any alleged irregularity or non-compliance related to the following areas:
For more detail, please review our ABC Policy
How to make a communication?
The site is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Accessing the Speak Up Channel, you can use the Formulate Communication option, and leave the requested information there.
This channel offers the possibility of leaving a communication anonymously or personally (you can choose), providing a username and password so that you can access the channel and check its status.
What will happen to my communication?
Your report will be forwarded to the criminal compliance body. In case of conflict of interest or if the reported person is a member of the criminal compliance body, see the conditions of use of the ethics channel. The organisation guarantees the confidentiality of the information provided and of the parties involved throughout the process. The response period is no more than 3 months, or 6 months in duly justified cases.
The management of this Channel is based on the principles of confidentiality of the data provided and respect for privacy. The communications reported there will be dealt with by the Complaints Committee within a reasonable period of time. The use of an external lawyer guarantees the confidentiality of any information that is presented in a communication and the anonymity of those who prefer to keep it.
For more detail, please review: