The design and development of technological solutions strategically is being tested in a project as ambitious and exciting as this one.

‘Most Relevant Multi Cloud Project’, III edición de los Premios Salesforce para Partners

imagen moderna

The challenge

Grow as goal, digitization as the way


Our client, Grupo Pichincha, had a Project of online bank where the customer was self-sufficient to perform the operating on a daily basis, even when it was possible to go to the office. All of this, within their strategic plan to strengthen and grow in Spain.

In VASS we initiated the design process of the technological solution and also a specific Project of design of  Customer Journeys, for the launching of a Direct Banking called Pibank, setting as premise offering the final user the best digital experience.

“Digital innovation award”, IV edition Computing awards: a step forward in the Digital Era.


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How we did it

End to end… Bring it on!

VASS, as technology partner of the entity, copes the end to end of the initiative: from the conceptualization and initial design of the banking platform backend / frontend, to the current backing and evolution.

The product has been conceptualized with a multichannel platform, which integrates customer onboarding and products, private area and the Business Solution  (CRM) at the service of the In-Person Channel and Customer Care Center of the entity.

With web scope and mobile (IOS, Android), under a suitable agnostic architecture with exploitation patterns in cloud and/or “on premise”, facilitating mobility, scalability and optimization of use/costs of the solution.

The result

Technological solutions: A flexible platform in constant growth


Thanks to the design of a robust and scalable solution, our client is currently the owner of a Service Platform from which new products can be launched in a simple and agile way. This platform is available for any entity of Grupo Pichincha.

The Direct Banking architecture has been defined according to the standards of integration of containers following the parameters of Red Hat solutions. As premises in the design and execution:

  •  Auto-scalable platform easily portable, according to the customer´s strategy for progressive evolution of the business model and future expansión to other countries. 
  • Microservice architecture based on APIficación according to PSD2 guidelines and exposure to technology REST.
  • Based on leading solutions in the market, Ad-hoc developments for open differentiation and the integration of others.

Concerning development, it integrates solutions of the Suite Salesforce and developments ad-hoc for a personalized user experience and solve the integration with others: Banking CORE RSI, RIU tools, management of black lists, management of Exchange rates, etc. At a functional level, it includes digital Onboarding, web channel and apps (IOS/Android) for autoservice, CRM over Salesforce.


Platform of scalable services based on Openshift architecture with the suite of Salesforce for the Banking Sector, where processes are organised and a 360 perspective of the customer is kept. Besides, this technology counts with a middleware layer of microservices and allows us to take care of the final user thanks to Marketing Cloud and Salesforce tools, key to the success of creating a new Bank in 6 months.




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