Which Cloud Deployment Model Do You Choose? Options and Examples

Which Cloud Deployment Model Do You Choose? Options and Examples

In today’s digital age, businesses consistently look for reliable technological solutions to meet their operational needs. Among these, cloud deployment models have become a standard choice for many organizations.

10 Jan 2024

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These models offer various ways to store, manage, and access digital resources, depending on a company’s requirements. While they are essential tools in the modern digital toolkit, understanding the nuances of each can be challenging given the array of options.

This guide aims to simplify this choice, diving into the different cloud deployment models, outlining their benefits, potential drawbacks, and offering real-world examples to aid decision-making.

What are Cloud Deployment Models?

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Cloud deployment models serve as the blueprint for how organizations design, implement, and manage their cloud-based infrastructures. They provide a structural framework that determines how cloud-based resources, such as storage, servers, and networking, are hosted and made accessible to end-users.

Crafted to cater to a diverse array of needs, these models are influenced by factors such as cost, scalability, management, control, and security.

At their core, these models dictate where your data is stored and how it’s accessed, which can have direct implications on performance, accessibility, and compliance. The type of deployment model chosen can also affect an organization’s operational flexibility and its ability to adapt to changing business conditions.

Additionally, while some models might prioritize cost-efficiency by leveraging shared resources, others may emphasize stringent security measures or allow for more customized configurations. Selecting the right model is, therefore, an integral decision-making process for businesses that seek to maximize the benefits of cloud technology without compromising on their specific operational requisites.

With the increasing reliance on cloud technologies, the role of cloud deployment models has become central in ensuring operational efficiency and meeting business objectives. It’s crucial for companies to align their choices with their overarching goals, and this piece will aid in navigating the intricacies of cloud deployment options.

Types of Cloud Deployment Models


Much like the foundation of a building, the choice of a cloud deployment model lays the groundwork for an organization’s digital infrastructure.

This choice reverberates across various domains, impacting scalability during high traffic times, data protection mechanisms, and overall cost-efficiency. It defines how resources are allocated and accessed, governing the relationship between data storage and end-users.

As technology evolves, the distinctions between these models become more nuanced, each presenting its own blend of advantages and limitations.

For instance, while one model might offer unparalleled flexibility, another could be renowned for its robust security features. Furthermore, considerations like integration with existing systems, ease of deployment, and adaptability to future changes also play a significant role in influencing the decision about which cloud deployment model do you choose.

Choosing the right deployment model is akin to selecting the right materials and design for a building. It sets the stage for success, longevity, and the ability to adapt and evolve in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Public Clouds

Public clouds are cloud computing platforms provided by third-party providers, available to anyone who wishes to use or purchase their services.

These services are hosted off-site and are delivered over the internet. Public clouds have grown in popularity due to their ease of use and scalability.


Economies of Scale: Given that public cloud providers cater to a broad range of customers, they can offer competitive pricing.

Scalability: It allows businesses to scale up or down resources based on needs without incurring fixed infrastructure costs.

No Maintenance: Companies don’t have to worry about maintaining and updating the infrastructure as the provider takes care of it.

Global Access: Services can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.


Latency Issues: Connecting over the internet might introduce delays for certain critical applications.  However, interconnectivity solutions are available to reduce this risk.

Security Concerns: Although public clouds have bolstered their security, sharing resources with others can pose risks. Even so, public clouds tend to have stronger security guarantees than private clouds.


AWS (Amazon Web Services): One of the market leaders, it offers a wide range of services from storage solutions to artificial intelligence capabilities.

Google Cloud Platform: Renowned for its analytics prowess and machine learning solutions.

Microsoft Azure: A comprehensive solution offering services ranging from web hosting to development tools.

Private Clouds

Private clouds represent cloud solutions tailored specifically for individual organizations. Unlike their public counterparts, private clouds are either hosted on-premises or on a dedicated hosted environment provided by third parties.

This design is oriented around exclusivity, offering a controlled environment, and is typically chosen for specific regulatory or business needs.


Enhanced Security: Since the infrastructure is dedicated solely to one organization, it often provides higher levels of security and control.

Customization: Private clouds can be customized to fit the exact requirements and specifications of a business, from software to infrastructure.

Performance Stability: Dedicated resources mean that there’s no competition for bandwidth and storage, ensuring more consistent performance.

Regulatory Compliance: Businesses operating under strict regulations often find it easier to comply using a private cloud due to its inherent controlled environment.


Higher Costs: The exclusivity and customization of private clouds come at a higher price compared to public clouds.

Maintenance Responsibility: While it offers greater control, businesses might need to manage and maintain their own infrastructure or pay for specialized services.

Scalability Challenges: Rapid expansion might be more complex and time-consuming as compared to the inherent scalability of public clouds.


VMware vCloud: A popular solution that offers both on-premises and off-premises private cloud options.

OpenStack: An open-source software platform that allows for the creation of private clouds.

Microsoft Azure Stack: Provides capabilities for businesses to run Azure public cloud services in their private data centers.

Hybrid Clouds

Hybrid clouds, as the name suggests, offer a mix between public and private cloud environments. This model enables data and applications to be shared between them, granting businesses greater flexibility, and more deployment options.

By allowing data and processes to move between private and public clouds, a hybrid cloud environment provides a greater flexibility and a balanced infrastructure.


Flexibility: With hybrid clouds, companies can enjoy the best of both worlds, seamlessly moving workloads between cloud environments as needs and costs fluctuate.

Cost-Effective: Businesses can manage costs by utilizing public clouds for less-sensitive operations and reserving private clouds for critical operations.

Optimized Infrastructure: Hybrid models allow organizations to leverage public cloud resources for high-volume, less-sensitive data and operations, while keeping mission-critical data in-house.

Improved Business Continuity: In the event of a disaster, data recovery can be more efficient, with backups available in multiple environments.


Complexity: Managing and orchestrating two simultaneously active environments can be challenging and might require specialized skills.

Security Concerns: Ensuring consistent security protocols across both cloud types can be daunting.

Potential Latency Issues: Data transfer between private and public platforms might introduce latency.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) and VMware’s Hybrid Cloud: This collaboration offers a vSphere-based cloud service on AWS.

Microsoft Azure Hybrid Cloud: Combines Azure cloud services with Microsoft’s on-premises software.

Google Anthos: Google’s open platform that brings public cloud capabilities to on-premises environments.

Success Stories of VASS

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, the cloud has redefined how businesses operate and innovate. As organizations strive to stay competitive and forward-thinking, the right cloud deployment model can be the game-changer.

VASS, a renowned player in the cloud arena, has a track record of devising bespoke cloud solutions tailored to unique business needs. Here are some of their notable success stories that exemplify the transformative power of strategic cloud deployment.

Banco Pichincha: One of our most noteworthy collaborations in the realm of cloud solutions was the daunting challenge of constructing a digital neo-bank set to operate within just a few months.

To achieve this ambitious task, VASS leaned heavily on industry-leading technologies such as Salesforce and other key cloud tech solutions. These allowed the development of a user interface that delivered an unparalleled user experience.

More importantly, it had an open architecture design, aligning with the Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS) approach. Harnessing the cloud’s full capabilities, we were able to establish a bank that was not only scalable and secure but also efficient in its developmental process. It was designed to be open, allowing for the bank’s capabilities to evolve swiftly and sustainably.

An International Fashion Retailer: We have successfully implemented an AI use-case powered by a cloud-based data platform for one of the giants in the fashion retail industry.

These examples reflect the versatility and efficiency of cloud deployment models and the expertise of VASS in navigating the challenges to deliver top-notch solutions.

These models offer various ways to store, manage, and access digital resources, depending on a company’s requirements. While they are essential tools in the modern digital toolkit, understanding the nuances of each can be challenging given the array of options.


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