


We support insurance companies in their digital transformation to drive business growth, building digital ecosystems, optimizing processes and creating value for customers by redesigning business models, products, and services.

Our expertise

Discover what we can do for you

Utilize customer insights for enhanced relationships. Innovate new business models, ensuring sustainability. Embrace digital operations for efficiency and agility. Implement intelligent insurance through AI, data, and security for maximum productivity in the insurance sector.

Our value proposition

Unprecedented growth and resilience for your business

  • Strategic Business Hacking

  • New Business Models

  • Digital Operation and Sustainability

  • Intelligent Insurance

Success case


Revolutionizing Traditional Sectors

Pelayo Insurance Customer Experience Liferay

Our digital solutions

Intelligent insurance and advanced AI capabilities

Strategic Business Hacking

  • Growth & Social listening for sales and your customer base
  • Customer Data Activation Creating a 360º customer view and customer knowledge
  • Hyper personalization
  • Digital engagement Achieving successful and long-lasting relationships with your customers
  • Digital Insurer on-boarding

New Business Models

  • Embedded Insurance
  • Insurance Ecosystems and Disruptive Offerings
  • Instant Insurance
  • Kaiman commerce
  • Marketplace Offering & Operation

Intelligent Insurance

  • Optimizing data for AI
  • Advance and Predictive Analytics
  • AI & GEN AI
  • AI Accelerators
  • AI Governance

Digital Operation and Sustainability

  • Hyper automation Efficiency and productivity for cost reduction
  • Data & Cloud. Maximize the value of data in immediate processes
  • Open Insurance. End-2-End process automation and control
  • Digital Insurance Architectures. API & Cloud economy Real time personalization on a flexible and secure infrastructure
  • Cybersecurity

Explore our insights

Virtual Reality in Insurance: Transforming Employee Experience

Discover how virtual reality in insurance is revolutionizing the industry, enhancing training, risk inspection, and customer satisfaction.

Embedded insurance in today´s context

Customers are increasingly buying services online and the key to embedded insurance is that it combines insurance coverage within the purchase of a third-party product or service in real time.

The role of technology in the insurance sector: driving towards a digital future

There has been a continuous transformation with the emergence of new technologies in the insurance sector, that will allow insurers to improve their operations, redefine their products and services and grow their business. But what will the main technologies involved in this transformation of the insurance sector be?

RegTech: the future of the insurance industry

Evolving business models and the proliferation of innovative technologies are accelerating change within the insurance industry.


Let's shape the future of digital innovation together

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